Some people seem to just be born lucky, and then there's people like me! I think that bad luck follows me around, nothing ever comes easy , and everything I seem to try to accomplish lately just turns into one big disaster. My computer was down again, my Norton antivirus expired, and just in one day, the minute the computer was turned on, it was infected with viruses. The computer had to spend a couple of days at the computer hospital, getting rid of the viruses.
You know that I picked out the monument, or headstone for my husbands grave. They are supposed to have it up by memorial weekend. I went to the cemetery to see if they had layed the slab for the monument last weekend. They layed the slab all right but in the wrong place! My hubby is buried next to his dad, then my spot, and a new neighbor will be next to me! They layed the slab on mine and my new neighbor's! It is no where near my husbands grave. I had to visit the monument place and tell them that they goofed up. I don't think they believed me at first, but I checked it 3 times last weekend to make sure I wasn't nuts! Ok, I am nut's, I will admit that! I did have the guy laughing when I said the slab seems to be for me and my neighbor. He didn't get what I meant by that, so I had to explain. The cemetery marked it now with red flags so they will have to move the slab and the mount the monument. They better have it done by memorial weekend or I am going to ask for some money back for their mistakes. My husbands estate has to go through probate and that is a whole other story. It depresses me to just think about it.
I have been busy getting my flower beds ready and bought a ton of flowers today, so I can plant some each night this week. I hope you are all having some luck in your life's.
13 hours ago
Your luck must change soon and you need to push it in that direction. You need to find one thing each day that is going right and you need to list it on paper and then smile about it! Then at the end of the week read the list and be thankful for the small things that are going right.
Oh Geez, Marla... My empathy. There is a lot of frustration nowadays with people's carelessness in general with regard to completing tasks - i.e. the headstone put in the wrong place.
And computer virus' are infuriating ! Grrrr.
Hope that you took out the old soil, put in some good new soil, cultivated, and the flowers grow beautifully, Marla :)
My wish is for you to find good fortune in your days ahead. I love Tabor's advice to you and believe I am going to follow it as well.
Computer problems can be so irritating! They are wonderful things, but when they go wrong they are just so depressing.
The headstone mix up sounds dreadful.
It sounds to me if it's your turn for some good luck!
For years now I have been doing a gratitude list everyday. Before that, I sounded just like you. It seemed everything was wrong with the world. I was so blinded by my grief I could not see anything positive. In fact, my blog is an extension of my gratitude list even if I don't get on it very long... but I try to find the pretty or fun things around me, post them to share with others, and guess what? I find I feel better. OK, I still need a new roof or the cat still has a problem, or my adopted son is still 1,000 miles away... the grass still needs to be cut and I live in Weedcity! BUT, I have flowers in bloom, birds at the feeders, and cats driving me nuts. What more can I ask for at this moment? Well, being able to walk would be a plus...
Your luck will change. Wait until this whole probate thing is over and done'll see. In the meantime, I like Tabor's suggestion.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :)
Hi Marla! It does seem like when it rains is pours. Everything will work out. Play, dig and dance in your garden. It is good therapy. Lisa
Kinda like the Culhanes from Corn Field County on the old HeeHaw Show.
They all would sit on the couch and sing a song...Gloom, Despair, and agony on me...
The main thing is to keep that pretty smile running and you'll be fine.
Best wishes.
Hi Marla, there really isn't any such thing as bad luck following you although it does seem like it sometimes.
I remember Joe Bftsplik from Lil Abner Comics, he actually had a rain cloud that followed him around.
I am sorry about your marker slab being wrong. That is terrible that they weren't any more careful than that. If they don't fix it right and soon, just cry right then and there. Get really uptight and they will be afraid they are causing you mental anguish and will sue.
Mom's was done by someone in Fremont, Lois and I went with Dad to pick it out. They share a headstone. You could see it just off the south turn in to the Herman Cemetery on the right. It turned out nice (Marjore--on left and Vernon--on right).
I hurt for you computer, I think they all get a little perturbed. I have one that got hi-jacked three years ago and it still is.
Just last night I clicked on something (should have been okay) and I got a pop-up from 'windows security' asking me if I wanted to do a scan because my computer had just gotten a virus. I clicked the "x" in the pop-up and off it went. Before I could hardly blink the 'free virus checker' had 'found' zillions of hijackers, virus, worms, and the like. It was still going and I shut the computer off with the 'checker' still running.
[To do that, click on the usual and click turn off or the like. Windows will very quickly shut every window you have open and shut it off.]
Then I updated my Norton and ran all it's checks. It didn't find one thing wrong.
Can you probate the estate yourself in Nebraska? In Texas, in the smaller counties it is possible, in Houston or Dallas the judges want you to have a lawyer.
A lawyer shouldn't charge very much if it isn't contested, you could 'shop' a little if the first one seems high.
Hang in there, :-)
Darryl Worley had a C/W song out "Sounds Like Life to Me." Kind of makes a person think. What seems like tragedy is just part of life. Things will turn around for the better. With a little push and shove you will get your memorial stone in place. The probate will get done. Your flowers will get planted.
Thank God for the good things like grandkids and flowers. Hang in there.
Not sure I would classify the computer problems as bad luck. Computers have a mind of their own.
Bless your heart. Hope they had the monument up on the 25th.
Sweet Marla, did you forget? It's not luck, but Goodness and Mercy that follow you all the days of your life. It says so in Psalm 23:6. Now how all of these events fit into God's Goodness and Mercy, I'm not sure, but I have no doubt that He will reveal that to you if you ask. :)
I've missed you too my friend. I am sorry for all these little trials. I will say a prayer that God would smooth out the path a bit for you.
I haven't been blogging as much lately either due to a bad case of the busys too. I'm so glad you stopped by to say hi.
Much love to you!
Hi Marla,
I wanted to come over and visit your site and introduce myself and say, "thank you so much for your prayers for my husband Ron." I've read through some of your postings tonight and my mind, heart and prayers are with you too. You have been through so much, but the Lord gives us so much grace to get through these long, difficult trials, doesn't He? I've become a follower to your site and would like to become one of your new bloggy friends. Thank you for sharing yourself the way you do here, it is uplifting for me to read about your life with your husband and your family.
I'll be back to visit again and thank you again for your continued prayer support for my husband Ron.
Peace, Blessings and Prayers,
Hi Marla,
I wanted to come over and visit your site and introduce myself and say, "thank you so much for your prayers for my husband Ron." I've read through some of your postings tonight and my mind, heart and prayers are with you too. You have been through so much, but the Lord gives us so much grace to get through these long, difficult trials, doesn't He? I've become a follower to your site and would like to become one of your new bloggy friends. Thank you for sharing yourself the way you do here, it is uplifting for me to read about your life with your husband and your family.
I'll be back to visit again and thank you again for your continued prayer support for my husband Ron.
Peace, Blessings and Prayers,
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