Thursday, June 11, 2009
Writers Block
I have been so busy lately that I don't have time to write anything. I don't really have anything of interest to talk about. I think I have led people to believe that I am always negative and can't find positive things to talk about in my life. I really am a positive person and have lots of things to be thankful for. Still I have many issues going on in my life at this time. Perhaps I have used you all to express the frustrations that seem to happen frequently right now in my life. I suppose simply because I don't have anyone else to express these things too. I am trying to discover who I am without my husband. All of my life stories involve my husband. I don't know if I have anything of interest to anyone without the issues that come with losing someone that you love. It's probably a good thing that I have been to busy to write!
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It's not easy when you are one flesh to move on without part of you. It always feel like something is missing. My prayers are with you as you move forward. It is not easy but you are very brave to keep moving forward.
the good thing about blogging is that you can say whatever you want. It isn't whether we find it interesting that should be your source of motivation - it's that you do - and inevitably someone will relate to it and understand.
Even a positive person has painful times in their life, and we all struggle to find ourselves...
Thinking of you. Funny, I never got the impression you were a negative person, just a lovely person who has lost half of herself, who will slowly find who she is. All will be built onto the years you and your husband spent together, like an addition on a house.
Hi Marla, I do hope us blogging friends are a help to you. Actually you are a help to me. I always say that I am a loner but I suppose that isn't so. I sure do mention Mrs. Jim a lot. And I was busted up when the first Mrs. Jim decided she would opt for greener grass. So.
And I'm with Lanny, I never did think of you as a negative person either. Not from your writing. I do know that you are down quite a bit but who wouldn't be after losing their lifelong mate?
So. Again. This time, I will accompany it with a good old "HANG IN THERE!!" And really I know you will.
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That was my little HAPPY SONG. I am not a hugging person. I know you could do with some big hugs and if in person I would give you a bunch You are neat. And you, you're Marla to me.
Thank you reading my blog even when you don't comment too. Writers blog goes a long way!
You are welcome to say 'hello' or do a smiley any time without saying another word.
Hi Marla,
Haven't checked in for a while but have been thinking of you. I always enjoy your blogs. Funny thing that the things you speak about we can ALL relate to. We have all lost someone we were close to, and your stories of your husband spark our own memories. Please continue to share YOUR life with him. It has not gone away. It just needs to be written down.
Your are the most wonderful grandmother in the world, for sure. I wish my kids had one like you.
I don't think you are a negative person. You have a lot on your plate right now. Take your time and it will all work out.
Remember this is your blog and it is a great way to express how you are feeling, which helps with healing. We all climb mountains and trudge through valleys. Your friends are here to help you through those times.
Praying for you.
Marla, don't worry about us, just write.....Let your feelings flow.
Dear Marla ~ I don't think of you as a negative person either. You have suffered a huge loss in your life. That is not an easy thing.
This is your blog, write from your heart, when you feel like it. I have enjoyed reading about your love, your family.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
I guess you figured it out by now...we're here for your honesty and stories and whatever it is you feel up to writing about. It's real life and the good people in it that interest me. In other words, YOU are interesting!
Sometimes when I'm sitting around thinking about a fun memory, I'll blog about it so I can remember it in the a journal where everyone has access to your thoughts. (Sounds scary, doesn't it??) lol
Not really. You jot down only what you want anyone to read and that's it. The good times you shared with your husband are always a good read and like the others have said, we get it because we can relate to it in one way or another. I encourage you to keep writing. :)
I've loved reading your blog and been inspireed by how you have coped with what life has thorwn at you.
Take care of yourself. We're all thinking of you and remembering you in our prayers.
You just described exactly what blogging is all about. Keep it up. Your positive side shines through all the time. Even when you write about your struggles.
There's an echo here. Ditto all the previous thoughts and well wishes. I enjoy my visits here, too. Thanx for sharing with us, Marla.
Oh Marla, you are a sweet and dear friend. You are going through a difficult season of life. It takes time to find the new normal, but we are here with you to help encourage you and love on you as you walk this road.
I don't think you are negative and I can certainly relate to feeling too busy to write, feeling overwhelmed, and sometimes feeling like I'm too negative myself.
The enemy would love to separate us from other believers so that he can beat us down with his lies. Don't you believe him.
We love you and are here for you.
Hi Marla -
Tom is doing well. He had a good report that he's back in remission. Thank you for caring and asking.
Thinking of you this day. Hope you're doing great.
I have never thought of you as a negative person, not at all. This is a new phase in your life and you need to blog about whatever you want to! I don't always get around as often or as fast as I'd like to read blogs but I enjoy anything you feel like writing!
I so enjoyed reading your "experiencing God" post about your husband praying for others instead of himself. Great post!!
First of all...if we were here for you, then that is great!!
We all need to vent sometimes and you have had a rough time.
So now you are going to find out who you are without your wonderful husband. I have a feeling you are going to learn a lot about yourself in the next few years. And I think it will be good.
Take care.
Marla, It's Fathers Day, my heart is with you..
Negative or positive, you are truthful and you are always an inspiration to others. Write when you feel like it. We look forward to what you have to say. Besides and expected grandchild is a pretty positive post:)
Hi Marla! I don't think you are a negative person. In fact, I find you very interesting and positive.
Being alone and trying to find ones way is frustrating and sometimes scary. So write away about the past or present. Frustrating stuff or not. We'll be here to listen and comment. Lisa
Loss takes its toll. It's okay if you share stories about your husband and things that happened with your husband, and it's okay to write about your frustrations and feelings of loss. This is YOUR blog, Marla, and YOU are in charge of its contents.
I know you are certainly positively thrilled about having a granddaughter on the way!!!!
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